- Communications -

The Communications Division is truly the heart of the Sheriff’s Office. The Sheriff’s Office has 10 full time dispatchers. Communications is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
The Communication Center took on a new look in 2021. New desks were installed that allows for dispatchers to sit or stand instead of remaining seated for 8 or more hours at a time. Headsets were added to allow for additional mobility. New radios were purchased to replace the aging system, that was no longer supported. This new radio is similar to what we have previously used, however many technical advancements have been added. In the picture above, you will see one of four dispatch consoles. Dispatchers have to be able to multi-task, effectively using several monitors, telephones, radio traffic and 911 at the same time. Dispatchers are also trained in Emergency Medical Dispatching (E.M.D.).
They are responsible to dispatching fire departments and the ambulance services as well. Dispatch is responsible for communicating with the following agencies:
Sheriff’s Office Enforcement Division
Sheriff’s Office Jail Division and Maintenance
State Band radio frequency
New Washington Police Department
Crawford County Emergency Management
Bucyrus City Fire Department
Tiro Auburn Volunteer Fire Department
Bucyrus Township Volunteer Fire Department
Chatfield Township Volunteer Fire Dept.
New Washington Volunteer Fire Department
Dallas Township Volunteer Fire Department
Holmes Township Volunteer Fire Department
Jefferson Township Volunteer Fire Dept.
Liberty Township Volunteer Fire Department
Lykens Township Volunteer Fire Dept.
Whetstone Township Volunteer Fire Dept.
Crawford Co. West Joint Ambulance District
Life First Ambulance District
Communications is responsible for monitoring and operating LEADS (Law Enforcement Automated Data System). This system allows dispatchers to check vehicle registrations and the driving status of motorists. Arrest warrants are entered through this system and other arresting agencies communicate with dispatch through LEADS. Dispatch can also use LEADS to enter missing persons, along with stolen property.
Dispatchers must also enter information into a county-wide records management system, monitor the Emergency Alert System, a weather computer, and activate tornado sirens. They operate security doors and cameras for the lobby, administration, along with security cameras located around the building.
Dispatchers make or receive in excess of 100,000 calls a year.